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Playtapus sha​

Playtapus provides tutorial sessions

for essay writing, logical writing, creative writing and Japanese.

Sessions in Japanese or English available.

Why ' Playtapus' not 'Platypus' ?​

[Playtapus, not Platypus. It’s not misspelling.]

This is not a misspelling. The name is based on my experience and misunderstanding. I adopted the word  because it seems best describes my sessions.


[Love at first sight for a platypus.]

The story goes back to when I was a high school student. I stayed two weeks in Brisbane, Australia in order to participate in 

English training course. The host mother had taught me how to get to city centre where the University of Queensland located nearby.


As I was not that get used to English well at that time or not good at remembering complicated transportation, she pointed me an animal picture, which was on the bus stop I had to take.  She said, ‘You could only concentrate on the picture, it wouldn’t make you hustled. Don’t worry, Miyuki.’

The animal had tiny brown plump and round figure, a flat tail, webbed limbs and a duck-billed. I couldn’t help falling in love with the animal at the first sight for its strange but unique and lovely figure. It was my first encounter with the platypus. I soon remember how to pronounce the newly learnt word ‘platypus’, too.

[ Flexibility in Learning.]

As a grown-up, I sometimes visit website named Khan Academy, which is NPO and provides wide variety of learning materials to children all over the world for free with own interest and try to keep my English ability.  I once have realised myself enjoying learning even in the subjects, which I used to think I was not good at all. I can understand math and science in English. I had been struggling  with them for many years as a child in Japanese. It comes to mind that we can be more interested in learning by another materials, which we have already been interested in. When we think about ‘learning Japanese / English’, we basically imagine of learning grammar and phonetics themselves . However, I suppose we can learn Japanese through arithmetic problems. In addition, we may be able to learn Japanese/English through map reading if we are interested in the maps. I wish I could have known such way of learning when I was a child, I think I could have liked some subjects more.

[Somewhere in between.]

It is the word from a parent of one of Playtapus member. She was looking for a place where her daughter can enjoy learning with fun, not to study only to pass the entrance examinations. The word has reminded me of the platypus, which I fall in love with in Australia long time ago.

A platypus is really a symbol of ‘in between’ for me with his uniqueness. She lay eggs even though she is a mammal. They have duck-bill but are not birds. They swim in water but are not fish. The idea hits me and I became not to think of another name other than the Platypus, which also includes a word ‘play’ in it.

[Not a misspelling, but misunderstanding.]

To be honest, I had been remembering a spelling of a platypus as a playtapus and pronunciation is also different from my memory. So it cannot be pronounced ‘play’ at all, but they are still the symbol of flexibility to me. It is the truth. I convinved that they must say ‘never mind’. This is  the true story of funny spelling of Playtapus.

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