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Miyuki Kanno
© Playtapus

About me 

Miyuki Kanno Born in Tokyo

Head of Playtapus-sha

2003 BA Hons University of Bradford, Department of Peace Studies, UK


Decided to study abroad with the goal of working for the UN, but  fell behind after realising her overwhelming lack of academic ability.

Worked for seven years teaching essay writing and creative writing.


Worked in the Education Division, planning and organising learning programms for university students at the National Museum of Science.


Worked as a supporting staff in the editorial department at the Yomiuri Newspaper.

Alongside the day job, undertook providing session in essay writing, Japanese and English.


2023 Start of Playtapus-sha 


Favorite things: Taking a walk, Listening to people from different professions and generations, eating food.

Difficulties: geography, grammar

Favorite foods: shrimps, potatoes, Japanese fried chicken, seared  Engawa sushi

Food not liked: fatty pork, soft pickled Japanese plums, dried fruits, that have absorbed moisture.

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