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E. S.  2nd grade Elementary School student

Dear Ms. Kanno

Thanks for coming every week.

Thanks for making interesting stories, too.

I enjoyed the time with you when we play

the riddle and 'national flag concentration'.

D.M.  3rd grade Junior High School student

I had to practice writing in English, but unfortunately, there was no such services provided. My mother's friend introduced Ms. Kanno and she was the right person who could support me. She experienced studying in the University in Britain, so I thought she could teach me how to write beautiful essays in English. Most important thing for me was that she never tried to change my idea and thought, but just gave me advice to re-write in better way. My writing ability improved a lot and I could pass the entrance exam of the high school. I really appreciated it.

R. F.  Artist

I am an artist and I would like to communicate withe people from overseas when I exhibit my artworks in near future. That is why I am learning with Ms. Kanno. In sessions, I have been trying to speak my current issues such as films that I love and my own interests in English. I always get feedback about my talk. As topics can be chosen based on my interests, I can continue learning with high motivation and these days, I can feel fun through the sessions. Grammar is quite hard for me, but whenever I got stuck, she suggests some hints to think by myself. It does give me confidence. I am looking forward to learning every week!

R.F. Artist
© Playtapus

S. M.  Parent of a Junior High School student

Ms. Kanno was my son's teacher in writing in English. She kindly wrote various topics based on current affairs and past exam questions from the high school. She always showed respect for our son's own thoughts but at the same time, she suggested ways how to re-write in better way without changing his own thoughts itself. He tried again and again with patience and it is clear that he gained confidence through the process. It seemed that we didn't have enough time before the exam, but She just made it by the deadline. As the result, our son passed the entrance exam. We really appreciated it.

H. S. Parent of 2nd grade Elementary School student

It has already three years past since we have known Ms. Kanno. Our family came back from abroad and needed to find someone who can communicate with our daughter, who was to enter the elementary school in a short time. Tried home teacher lessons specialised for the entrance exams, but we preferred lessons that she can enjoy learning in more practical and 'fun' base. Ms. Kanno visits our daughter with variety of session materials that interest her and include her close topics every time. For her, the sessions with Ms. Kanno seems like rather fun learning time with an elder friend than serious studying. We ask Ms. Kanno to adjust level of materials to our daughter's grade. For example, materials in order to understand people's feeling through reading and to know how to write book reviews. In addition, she writes us feedback in details after every sessions. It always surprise us how she has already improved to do and with some interesting topic in her school.

S.W.  IT Engineer

I asked Ms. Kanno sessions for IELTS exam. IELTS is an international qualifying English exam in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills. Most difficult part for me was 'Speaking'. At the beginning, I used mixture of Japanese and English in conversation. The more I tried, the more I became I could speak less Japanese, and finally, I realised that I can 'think in English' and 'tell that in English'. Ms. Kanno has never rushed me and wait for my answer with patience. Sometimes she gave me adequate help in right timing. I tried such sessions many times and I can say that English that can be understood by native speakers is now mine.

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