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  • What are 'sessions' about?
    They are same to 'lessons'. The idea 'sessions' was adopted as our lessons are rather interactive learning than unilateral one.
  • Do you provide sessions only in Japanese, essay writing or creative writing?
    Learning materials that enable communication practice through math or word game can be prepared. This would be suitable for up to primary students. For more details and information, please feel free to contact me.
  • Do I have to prepare anything prior to the sessions?
    Nothing special needed. Stationaries, note, colour pens and so on that you usually use. I will bring materials to the sessions with me. Sometimes we may use a digital device when it meets your needs.
  • Do I have to prepare any text books?
    Basically, it is not necessary. If your session will be based on your school study, like Japanese, your textbook at your school will be required. If it will be informed prior to the sessions, it will be quite helpful for me, too. Other than that above, textbooks and learning materials will be prepared depending on individuals.
  • What is about 'trial session'?
    A trial session is helpful before you decide to participate actual sessions. Papers for a trial session will be provided. A trial session fee: 4,000 JPY / hour plus return transportation fee.
  • Can I find sample learning materials somewhere in the website?
    Session materials are made for individuals. They contain personal information. That is why they are not introduced on the site. Followings are some sample in words. <Creative writing> Writing new story pretending a character in the same story. Choosing most appropriate words to a character in the story. Changing personality of the character in the story and write different ending. <Essay writing topic in English> What was most impressive culture shock you have ever felt in Japan? Describe your experience that you are thankful most and your opinion about it. How did you overcome the difficulties?
  • Can participants over junior high school ask for sessions?
    Up to university students are welcome for learning essay writing. On very much specialised topic may not be accepted the request. For details and informations, please feel free to contact me.
  • Can sessions be arranged only for one hour?
    One hour session is minimum. Sessions over one hour are also arrangeable based on availability.
  • Is it possible to ask to hold a session in very distant area?
    Anywhere but as long as return day trip can be made and return transportation fee is provided.
  • Can sessions be substituted due to absence?
    It is depending on availability. If no availability on your request, the session will be cancelled.
  • I would like to hold sessions on different day every week.
    Please inform your request on second week of prior month. It can be accepted depending on availability.
  • Difficult to apply for on-site sessions, is there any alternative?
    Online sessions can also be arrangeable. Please feel free to contact me for further information.
  • Please tell me about the session fee.
    5,000 JPY / hour plus return transportation fee. No additional session materials costs will be required.
  • What can be used for payment?
    Bank transfer is accepted.
  • What happen to session fee when I skip the session?
    ① Cancellation on the day of the session: Not refundable. ② Cancellation told before a week or so: Refund will be mad for one session. Session fee without one session fee will be applied next month. e.g. If you have four sessions a month, every Monday and cancellation on 27 October was informed by 20 October.       
  • How is transportation fee calculated?
    Once date and time of session are confirmed, calculation will be done based on my place to where I visit and return transportation fee.
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